Performance i utvalg

NADA Miami

Foto: Monica McGivern

A Requiem from a Reinder

In "A Requiem for a Reindeer," the artist uses a theremin, an electronic musical instrument controlled without physical touch, and a loop pedal to create soundscapes that gradually build and end abruptly — all while wearing a reindeer mask. This interplay between human society and nature lies at the core of the work, blending the seductive and off-putting, mirroring the impact of human development on the natural world with its unintended and frequently disastrous consequences.

"A Requiem from a Reindeer" was presented by Bas Fisher Invitational (BFI), Miami, Florida, and the Rogaland Kunstsenter (RKS), Stavanger, Norway, as part of Heat Exchange, a reciprocal residency program offered between the organizations. This initiative brought three Norwegian artists to Miami in July 2021 and sent three artists from Miami to Norway in May 2022 to research each country’s different approaches to cultural funding and municipal-artist partnership.



Foto: Ljerka Kukurin

Bryne kunstforening


Bryne kunstforening


Bryne kunstforening

New York, USA

Foto: Kaja Andersen


15 minutter

Arts Estuary1024, New Orleans

Rattus Norvegicus

I denne utstillingen tok jeg for meg humaniseringen av dyr. Hvordan vi gir dem menneskelige kvaliteter og følelser for å passe inn i vårt eget narrativ.

Den tok form som en satirisk historiefortelling man ofte finner på en høytlesning for barn, hvor dyrene utspiller en utdannende rolle med et moralsk dilemma. Teksten i denne performancen er totalt blottet for moral. En såkalt coming of age historie, tatt fra min egen tenåringstid. Performancen var en del av et større verk i en videoinstallasjon.

Utdrag fra performancen:

“I placed the towel over the bucket containing the two rats, doing my best not to look at them. I glanced over at Steffen who gave me a determined nod, so I proceeded to put the exhaust pipe tight between the towel and the bucket.”

Curated by Maya Økland
Landmark, Bergen

Foto: Maya Økland

Political Propaganda

Fartøy, landing, erobring

En performance som fortolker USAs nærvær og deres mineralutvinning i Sokndal. Verket tok sted i de nikkelfylte sandynene i et nedlagt sanddeponi. Etter overstått performance ble flagg og vulvafartøy stående.

Dokumentasjon av Karl Ingar Røys og Pål Tjømøe.

Fartøy, landing, erobring
